Wednesday, October 10, 2018

The Motions

Lately, I feel like everyone has something to say. An opinion on every topic, a picture for every event, and it's starting to get loud. It's becoming noisy and I just feel like filtering it all out. I keep thinking about my resolutions I made at the beginning of the year. It always seems to come back to that. To keep it real, I guess I'm just another sound on the internet too... but these are the life and times of ya girl! hahahaa. So I guess the purpose of this post is to come up with a solution.

I've already deleted my twitter and the next step is to log off snapchat and IG. I always struggle with this because I can delete one social media but deleting all of them is so hard. What do I do with all that time???


This blog post was written in fucking JUNE and it's now OCTOBER!!!! WTF!!!! I can't stay consistent to save myself. It's crazy cuz the same feelings I had in February, I had again in September. Except it was like 10x worse. I was so depressed. I felt like I wasn't living my life for myself (still feel like it) and I would just go straight to sleep because I just didn't feel like dealing with anything. I did end up deleting my social media but literally only for like a week. Like this shit is hard HARD. I think this will be a random blog post because there's literally so much I need to get out and I don't want this post to be super long especially since the only person reading it is me hahaha. It's crazy though cuz every time I feel a way and come back to my blog, my very 1st post is always there to remind me of my goal and I'm just sitting here like past me is sooo smart! haha


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